This program will occur every Sunday from 2:30-5:00pm (PST) online starting September 18th and finishing on November 6th. The program includes a one-day retreat on October 22nd from 11am-4pm that can be taken online or in-person in Tacoma, WA (exact location is dependent on number of participants). During these sessions, we will practice different present moment awareness practices, practice mindful movement, and learn ways to apply mindfulness to everyday life with mindful eating, non-violent communication, and mindful listening, and more. We will also explore sources of stress and ways to use mindfulness to navigate stressful situations.
The 8-week course with the retreat is being offered at an inaugural cost of $125. (This program typically costs $250-$450 elsewhere.) Should you need financial assistance to participate, you can use code 80%SCHOLARSHIP or 50%SCHOLARSHIP to get a reduced price (no need to explain, you can just go ahead and use it if you need it).
Register here for this eight-week course. Shortly after registering, Sarah Low will reach out to you to schedule a short orientation conversation.