Sponsorship Opportunities

Healing Connections: Nature and Wellness Symposium and Community Day

April 21 and 22, 2023

Sponsorship Options

  • Canopy Sponsor

    $1000 and up

    • Canopy Sponsors’ logo will be added to symposium webpage and identified as Canopy Sponsor

    • Canopy Sponsors’ logo will be included in at least two correspondences to registrants

    • Canopy Sponsors have the option to specifically sponsor meals and have a sign recognizing their support

    • Canopy Sponsors will be thanked on social media at least once prior to symposium and once after the symposium

    • Canopy Sponsor will be thanked publicly during the symposium

    • Canopy Sponsors will have the option to set up a table at the symposium

    • Canopy Sponsors will have four complimentary registrations to the symposium

  • Understory Sponsor


    • Understory Sponsors’ logo will be added to symposium webpage and identified as Understory Sponsor

    • Understory Sponsors will be thanked on social media at least once prior to symposium and once after the symposium

    • Understory Sponsors have the option to specifically sponsor snacks or meals and have a sign recognizing their support

    • Understory Sponsors will have the option to have a table during the event

    • Understory Sponsors will have three complimentary registrations

  • Roots and Shoots Sponsor


    • Roots and Shoots Sponsors will be thanked on social media at least once prior to the symposium

    • Roots and Shoots Sponsors have the option to specifically sponsor snacks, coffee, or meals and have a sign recognizing their support

    • Roots and Shoots Sponsors will have two complimentary registrations

  • Pollinator Sponsor


    • Pollinator Sponsors will help make it possible for the symposium to be financially accessible by supporting scholarships and speaker stipends

    • Pollinator Sponsors will have one complimentary registration

  • Community Sponsor

    Up to $100

    • Community Sponsors will help make it possible for the symposium to be financially accessible by supporting scholarships